Empower patients to improve their treatment outcomes through better medication adherence – while driving revenue and getting real-time visibility into patient behavior. Now that’s a win-win.

Dosecast is a medication management app for Apple, Android, and Amazon devices that tracks and improves medication adherence. Dosecast empowers patients to improve their treatment outcomes through better medication adherence, driving consumption and revenue as a result. It provides real-time visibility into patient behavior, and when used in clinical trials, streamlines medication adherence monitoring.

With Dosecast, patients:

Empower patients to improve treatment outcomes and drive consumption

Patients, especially those with chronic conditions, often struggle to adhere to complex medication regimens. Studies have shown that medication non-adherence for chronically ill patients is typically 50% or higher1, resulting in an average per-drug loss of 36% in potential sales2. In addition, the resulting mis-attribution of inefficacy from non-adherence loses patients – each of which costs 62% more to replace than retain3. Cumulatively, non-adherence results in nearly $30 billion annually in lost revenue for the US pharmaceutical industry4.

With Dosecast, patients track and adhere to the most complex medication regimen on their smartphone with just a few taps, wherever they are.

Get real-time visibility into patient behavior

Providing patient tools that promote adherence and that also collect and aggregate behavioral data create opportunities to measure the adherence impacts of particular formulations. Such tools also offer the ability to identify and target at-risk patients to take early action to promote adherence through delivering additional content, engaging caregivers, or streamlining adherence-related communication with providers.

As medications are entered into Dosecast and reminders are sent, a central server provides accurate and real-time intelligence on medication usage and adherence across your entire patient base, identifying those at risk for non-adherence. Empowered with this information, providers can take prompt action to promote adherence before poor outcomes result.

With Dosecast, patients always have their complete medication history on their mobile devices, enabling clinicians to coordinate care by viewing the medication list and adherence record at a glance to take action.

Streamline medication adherence monitoring in clinical trials

Study power, or the ability to detect an effect if one exists during a clinical trial, is affected by both sample size and adherence rates. A trial with 50% adherence could require 5 times as many participants as a trial with 100% adherence in order to maintain equivalent study power5.

During clinical trials, waiting for the next patient consultation to detect adherence issues misses opportunities to target at-risk patients and take early action to intervene. As patients use Dosecast, the app seamlessly collects and reports adherence data to the central server without any additional patient involvement, enabling real-time adherence monitoring.

What makes our solution unique

Dosecast is unique in 4 ways:

For more information on how Dosecast can help you reduce the impact of poor medication adherence among your patient base, contact us. To read more about Dosecast’s features for patients, click here.

1 Source: Eularis, 2010
2 Source: IMS Health, 2008
3 Source: Capgemini Consulting, 2011
4 Source: eyeforpharma.com, July 10 2008.
5 Source: Haynes, Taylor, Sackett, eds. Compliance in Health Care. John Hopkins University Press; 1979.